Tag Archives: Davos

Diary Blog, 29 January 2023

Morning music

[Nuremberg, 1934]

On this day a year ago

From the newspapers


So yet another “conspiracy theory” turns out to be true…


Read the story. So many Muslims from traditionally-Muslim countries seem to be cruel by nature. Not all, of course, but many more by proportion as compared to European Christians (and other Europeans).

[“A team of veterinarians from the international animal welfare organization ‘Four Paws’ briefs media prior to examining Kaavan at Maragzar Zoo, Islamabad, Pakistan, Friday, September 4, 2020“— Daily Mail]

Look at that photo: it is as if he knows that these humans are there to save him.


Britain 2023. Woman smashes bottle over another woman’s head in an unprovoked attack, then attacks yet another woman. Did not know either victim. Result? Suspended sentence. Britain is becoming a disordered jungle.

Tweets seen

Good point.

Refers in part to a book, an anti-white diatribe called White Women.

Incidentally, I took the trouble to look up the book in question. It was published a couple of months ago, and presently ranks at about 19,000 in the Amazon bestsellers list. Using the Amazon Book Sales Calculator, that implies sales of only about 200 books worldwide per month. Not very many, but I bet that the “wokes” and the “you-know-whos” (((you know whos))) are getting it into the libraries of schools, colleges, and universities, mainly in the USA. More drip-drip anti-white poison.

Tweets seen

The word the tweeter seeks is “slavery” or, perhaps, “serfdom“.

…and one of the most senior officers of the 77th Brigade (TA/Reserves) is Conservative Party MP and anti-Russia agitator, Tobias Ellwood. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/77th_Brigade_(United_Kingdom)#Structure; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tobias_Ellwood.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2018/11/15/when-reality-becomes-subjective/.

More music

[East Berlin, 1970s]

More tweets seen

The age differences are disturbing, though.

Brainwashed by the msm? Or (and/or) can they not see what might be the ultimate consequence?

Most horse racing in England does not involve cruelty these days. There have been many advances in the care and welfare of horses over the years, though minor improvements are still necessary. Rather disturbing that so many seem to think that such a traditional part of British and especially English life should be banned.

Part-Jew nasty little blot, George Osborne, talking about how great is HS2, and how good things such as the motorway system have been. There is a contrary view.

I myself remember, when aged about 21 (1977-78), the sections of the M25 in Surrey still largely unbuilt. At that time, I lived near the top of Reigate Hill, very easy walking distance from what is now the roundabout/interchange at Junction 8 of the M25. The M25 running east from there was nearly finished, but the bit running west was still being constructed.

Indeed, as a child (early/mid 1960s), I recall an England almost entirely devoid of motorway. In many respects it was better that way, though I concede that that may be regarded as a “Little Englander” or even “Luddite”, point of view.

When the motorway system was put in place, driving long distances became much easier. However, a certain character was lost, and that loss continued and deepened in the 1990s and up to the present day, made worse by the cancerous growths of new housing projects (“boxes for people”, if you like). I suppose that anyone under 40 —or even 50— would struggle to understand, though.

More tweets

[re. the “alleged” “grifter”/”fraud”, “Jack Monroe”].

It makes me laugh how so many of the ill-informed and ignorant on Twitter believe that an action in defamation can be launched easily and with almost-guaranteed success. Few understand even the basics of defamation, or of the economics of litigation.

Would the British people not have been much better off without corrupt Kurdish carpetbagger Nadhim Zahawi? Some tweeters live their lives without logic.

…and, actually, “carry on” doing what, exactly? Ripping people off, while cobbling together occasional recipes for appalling food?

Ukraine— stray thoughts

Let us take the probably-mistaken idea that “Ukraine is winning” to the max, to the reductio ad absurdum. Let us suppose that the forces of the Kiev regime expel Russian forces from all of pre-2014 Ukrainian territory, including Crimea. What then? Does Russia, or Putin, just accept that? Is that the end? I think not.

Ukrainian forces cannot cross the borders of Russia, even marginally, without provoking not only a response from the Russian Government but also from the Russian people, who would then be “triggered”, as people now say, to defend “Holy Russia”, their native land or “rodina“.

For the first time since the incursion/invasion of 2022, the Russian Government would then enjoy almost-unqualified public support in fighting the invading forces of the Kiev regime.

It is unlikely, though, that the Kiev-regime forces can in fact expel Russian forces from Ukrainian or former Ukrainian territory. Russia has a far greater population, a functioning economy, vast economic resources, and a nuclear backstop.

The logic seems to be that either Russia prevails in the present conflict, or that it is pushed out, only to then return with far greater numbers and might within a year or two.

In the end, Russia will annex Ukraine east of the Dnieper, whatever happens in the meantime. Unless a major East-West hot war starts first.

Late music

Diary Blog, 21 January 2023

Morning music

On this day a year ago

Saturday quiz

This week I did not do so well: 4/10, same as political journalist John Rentoul. I only knew the answers to questions 2, 4, 9, and 10 (the same ones that John Rentoul got right). I would have got No. 3 —the “Northern tart” question— right too, but I just could not recall it.

From the newspapers


LIttle pro-Israel monkey-on-a-stick Sajid Javid wants to charge patients for seeing a GP or visiting A&E departments.

He himself is standing down at the next general election. If it becomes widely known that charging for NHS services is the “Conservative” Party direction of travel, the already-anticipated loss of Conservative Party seats might be historically large, even if the NHS is not performing properly at present.

Jack Monroe

Incredible that parts of the msm are still promoting the “Bootstrap Cook”.

More music

Other tweets seen

The road to Hell is paved with good intentions“, as we know. The proposed rules no doubt aim at giving the American “poor” a better diet instead of the diabetes-2-tending (and generally unhealthy) one that includes white bread and “American cheese” [a particular kind of processed cheese sold to the public as “Kraft slices” etc: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_cheese].

The particular type of cheese disapproved of includes what is or was called “Government cheese” [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Government_cheese].

The price, though, is freedom of choice; and the other restrictions, such as “one car per family”, are obviously repressive, though of course in many countries only the wealthier part of the population(s) have even one car. Poverty is relative.

“Bootstrap Cook” has raised only one person out of “poverty”— herself (and quite possibly not even that).

Both true, and that is before you even think about “Bono”, Bob Geldof etc…

As the psychiatrist in one episode of Fawlty Towers remarks, “there’s enough material there for an entire conference“.

More accurately, “it” may be defamatory but, if “true”, is not actionable defamation.

That “@blackwolfski” tweeter is just so typical of those who have a whole fake worldview of “woke”-ism. Akin to wearing a jacket of msm lies: supports “Jack Monroe”, Jacinda Ardern, Labour Party drones etc, and is entirely impervious to any “unapproved” truths. Note the faux-serenity and faux-“concern” of his (fake, “passive-aggressive”) good wishes to tweeter “@scbusiness4”.

Hard to judge to what extent that was so but, if accurate, it sounds like very bad behaviour (to say the least).

Tweeter “@jimellis123” is another very typical “Jack Monroe” supporter-type: the man of 50+ or 60+, retired or unemployed (as it seems), not seemingly poor or “struggling” (except possibly with mental “issues”); socio-politically— narrow-minded. Also, the “passive-aggressive” smugness, as seen in the tweet below:

Presumably meant to be satirical, but quite likely the literal truth.

More tweets

Not completely untrue, certainly.

Interesting vlog

More tweets

The police, as well.

More tweets

Late music

It is, I read, Chinese New Year.

Diary Blog, 29 May 2022

Morning music


On this day a year ago

Tweets seen

David Icke used to follow my Twitter account. In fact, leaving aside organizational and corporate accounts, mine was one of a very small handful that Icke followed.

I was expelled from Twitter in 2018 after a campaign by the usual whining and/or demanding Jews, connected to the so-called “Campaign Against Antisemitism” [“CAA”].

Icke was also expelled from Twitter, a couple of years later. Same situation. Same pack of Jews.

Such expulsions are the main reason why Twitter is now relatively dull in every way. I use it as a convenient way of filling gaps in my blog with news and comment but, as a real tool of influence in itself, it has been killed, and killed by “them”. It’s always “them”…

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2017/07/13/when-i-was-a-victim-of-a-malicious-zionist-complaint/; and

Quite a few of the vandalistic sort of “anti-Semitic” actions seen over the years in the USA, UK etc, actions such as drawing swastikas, damaging bits and pieces in Jewish cemeteries etc, have actually been found to have been perpetrated by Jews, often with the motive of Jews being then able to whine about how oppressed they are by —mainly invented— “antisemitism” etc (which then leads to money —many millions of pounds in the UK alone— being given by government to Jew-Zionist “security” (snooping and strongarm) orgs to pay for, supposedly, an increase in security at Jewish religious and educational centres; also leading to pressure for laws being passed to restrict “anti-Semitic” comment online and offline.

Afternoon music

[Compton Wynyates, Warwickshire; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compton_Wynyates]


Far be it from me to defend a Polish Jew, but truth demands exposure. As a film director, Polanski is pretty good. It is ironic that one of his least-interesting films, arguably, is (again arguably) his best-known— Chinatown [1974]. I saw it very long ago, and found it confused. Perhaps I should see it again before being too critical. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinatown_(1974_film)

What has always struck me about the films of Polanski is the element of surprise and, indeed, shock, that they all seem to have. Most if not all have some scenes where the unexpected slaps you in the face.

As to the sex crime with which Polanski was charged in 1977, perhaps I am being too kind, but it strikes me as a bit of a storm in a teacup. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_Polanski.

Yes, Polanski having a sexual encounter with a young girl (13-y-o), was a crime under Californian law. She seems to have been not unwilling, which though irrelevant legally, has at least some relevance in background terms. She has made public, as an adult, the fact that she does not want Polanski to be further penalized. Anyway, it is long ago now, 45 years in fact.

There is a kind of neo-Puritanism about, which demands that artists (even ones long-dead) must be very straitlaced, which not all are. I suppose that the fuss about Eric Gill is another fairly recent example. So must we destroy or remove from public view the works of, say, Caravaggio?

The nonsense about Polanski and others is akin to the demand of the “Black Lives Matter” idiots that statues and other memorabilia associated with persons themselves even obliquely associated with slavery be removed or destroyed. If that were carried into effect, almost all famous people from 15th to 19th centuries (in the UK and many other countries) would have to have their statues torn down. And what of the surviving statues of ancient rulers and others? Or does the present pursed-lipped disapproval apply only to black slaves?

More tweets

“Foundling”, not “founding“, but no matter. What a very nice confirmation of the view expressed by C.S. Lewis (and cited in the Foreword to the beautiful book, Sold for a Farthing, by Clare Kipps) that the “tame” state (not afraid of, or hostile to, humans) is the truly natural state of being for the animal kingdom, though as yet largely unfulfilled.

[Clare Kipps with Clarence, “a common house sparrow“]

Social parasitism

Buy-to-let parasitism.

Midsomer Murders

Saw an episode of Midsomer Murders, the first seen by me, as far as I can recall, for two or three years. Basic format much as in the past, but “the Great Replacement” agenda has really taken over.

In the small Berkshire/Oxfordshire-type village(s) in question, in the past all-white, the white English are now scarcely a majority. The first scene, at the village green, had some English people, but also blacks, browns, and Chinese, in numbers.

The demographic change was so marked that it made me laugh. It was as if (?) some “woke” idiot had gone round with a clipboard, ticking off “types”, as in “now let me see…three Chinese, several blacks, a few Indians and Pakistanis, a few white English.…” etc. The final scene was absurd: the two (white English) detectives, the last planned (but saved) victim (Indo-Pakistani), and three perpetrators— a black woman, another Indian, and one white English. In a tiny English village in the country…

Several years ago, “activists” complained that the show was too English. It “needed” more blacks and browns, they said…

Transparent, of course, to someone of my age etc, but that kind of propaganda is aimed at those of much greener years. Normalization of a basically non-English, non-European, society.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2018/12/10/tv-ads-and-soaps-are-the-propaganda-preferred-by-the-system-in-the-uk/.

See also:

Late tweets seen

Not sure that I entirely agree, despite “Boris” himself, repeatedly over the years, trying to present himself as a kind of am-dram Churchill.

Whatever the many flaws of Churchill, he was certainly a great historical figure, with real talents. To compare Churchill to Boris-idiot is to insult the former and flatter hugely the latter. I say that despite being implacably opposed to most of Churchill’s policies.

As I have blogged before, if comparing Churchill to “Boris” at all, the verdict must be, in the famous words of Marx, “first time— tragedy; second time— farce“… (from Marx’s 18th Brumaire, if I am not mistaken; see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Eighteenth_Brumaire_of_Louis_Bonaparte).

Late music

Diary Blog, 25 May 2022

Afternoon music

[Levitan, Vladimirka]

On this day a year ago

The Great Replacement


Even the map shown in that article does not tell the whole story, as where we see that fertility in Sweden, France, and Denmark is higher than one might expect; of course, because the map reflects births in those countries, no matter the race or nation of the parents. Many are themselves non-white.

Tweets seen

91 years old, and still pushing for the destruction of white Northern Europe. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Soros.

Imagine…if Putin launched an immediate nuclear attack on Davos while the NWO kingpins are all there…(just an idle dream…).

Exactly. The conspirators in and around the UK Government knew perfectly well that “Covid” was not a plague, and carried little risk for almost everyone, but the plebs outside that magic circle were told by Government and msm to fear everything from breathing to pub-going and travelling by train, and were fined and harassed by the new UK toytown police state for engaging in such harmless activities as walking in the Peak District, camping on Welsh hillsides, having a few friends round for drinks, or even visiting girlfriends etc.

Even now, neurotic Jews and others are still wearing their useless silly facemasks.

Seems that “racism” is OK if against Russians…

I had not heard of the “University of West London”. Seems that it was formed out of the former Polytechnic of West London, which itself was, earlier, the Ealing College of Further Education: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/University_of_West_London.

More music

Late tweets

Late music

[Mother Russia monument, Volgograd]

Diary Blog, 24 January 2021

Sunday late start

Today, I have decided to copy the arguably bizarre habit of the Andrew Marr Show on Sunday TV, by having cabaret in the daytime. So here is the latest song by satirical singer-songwriter Alison Chabloz:


[Alison Chabloz]

Tweets seen today

There are probably thousands of similar cases, never investigated.

America, “land of freedom”…

The “lockdown” zealots and facemask fanatics, who usually like to present themselves as terribly compassionate etc (and who are usually economically unaffected by the shutdown, being either fairly affluent and/or “working from home” and/or working for the State and so unlikely to be made redundant or sacked, or who are unemployed/retired and so not likely to be made homeless) seem to regard people like the lady mentioned in that tweet as collateral damage of a “necessary” policy.

I agree, as a one-time Devon resident (2004 and 2005, a few miles east of the Upper Tamar).


Exactly. Some people are so black and white-minded that they say “Covid-19 is real, not a scam, so the conspiracy theory about the Great Reset is rubbish…“, when of course it is perfectly possible for “the virus” to be both real and a serious public health problem, and also being used as a convenient way of pushing through huge socio-political change via fear propaganda, financial manipulation etc. Oh, and as for the “Great Reset” being a “conspiracy theory”, it’s no theory. Indeed, the World Economic Forum [WEF; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Economic_Forum] actually both tweeted, and published elsewhere, the view that the virus situation was a perfect opportunity to push the Great Reset. They even used the words, “Great Reset”.

System-approved journalist is somehow surprised that official photos may lie, or tell a completely or largely untrue narrative [cf. “holocaust”]…

Late tweets seen

Conflation of beauty and truth. Scruton (above) was more accurate: a trio of values, being the Good, the Beautiful and the True.


Late music

Diary Blog, 23-24 January 2020

Already late evening on the 23rd, so this blog post will cover the next day or so as well.

Musical suggestion

Some people think that Havergal Brian was a genius; others say a plodding drudge. I myself am not qualified to judge, not least because I have only heard a few of his works. Here is his Gothic Symphony, of which one commentary says that:

The first symphony of Havergal Brian is a enormous choral-symphonic work that uses immense orchestral resources (200 orchestral performers, adult choir of 500, a children’s choir of 100 and four soloists. Almost 800 musicians).

800 musicians! Here it is:


Latest about the half-Jew “ho” madam, Ghislaine “Maxwell”

Well, there is not much “British” about the aforesaid “ho”: born in France of one Jew and one French parent, though educated in England (Marlborough College and Balliol, Oxford).

The story is interesting, though. I wonder whether this alleged telephone hacking had a connection to the Saudi Crown Prince, like others exposed in recent weeks? I speculated some months ago that she was hiding out in Israel, presumably under MOSSAD or Aman control.

Good points…



That tweeter is worth following for those with a Twitter account (I myself do not now have one: Jews procured my expulsion from Twitter in 2018).


Tracy Brabin and others of her ilk should reflect on the fact that “banning”, “no-platforming” and generally labelling those with whom one disagrees as liable to be repressed “for the public good”, leads to general witch-hunting and purging. Tracy Brabin, though, is too thick to understand that…



My contribution.

Only joking…

From the 1930s…

A late-night thought…


BBC World Service and a strange tale from the Second World War

A strange tale on BBC World Service. A Jewish woman, one Dita Kraus, who was born in Prague in 1929. Her parents were “secular” Jews who did not take part in the Jewish religious festivals etc. They were still living in Prague when the Germans arrived in March 1939.

The first oddity heard on the BBC was that the woman (now 90 and living in Israel) said that she did not see the Germans march into Prague [see video below; nb. the 1939 clip is incorrectly dated on YouTube as “1938”] but that her family were evicted by German officers on the same day!

The woman said that on the very same day on which the Germans marched into Prague, two German officers in uniform appeared at their apartment and ordered them to get out. Well, that to me seems implausible.

The Jewish Chronicle has carried a more plausible account:


In 1939, there were over 118,000 Jews registered as living in Bohemia and Moravia, most of which lived in Prague. We are asked to believe that, on the very day of occupation of the city, these two officers in uniform appeared at the door and ordered the Jews out. Well, there it is. That is what she (now 90 and at the time only 9 or 10) says happened.

We then heard that the Jewish family lived in Prague for a further 3 years, in fact longer, some three and a half years, until November 1942. Certain places in the city were forbidden to Jews; Jews were expected to wear a yellow star on their coats or jackets, but many did not. The woman described how she and a cousin went illegally to a certain cinema.

There were no stories of direct German brutality or the like from her, not in those 3-4 years of wartime military occupation. In fact, there were not even any accounts of hardship from her.

After the family was deported from Prague in November 1942, they were sent to what she called Terezin, at the time Theresienstadt (though the BBC failed to clarify this). An 18thC military settlement. Conditions were spartan, from what the woman said, though she noted that there was a hospital and proper care for the sick etc. In fact, Theresienstadt was run internally largely by a Jewish council (again, not explained by the BBC).

Theresienstadt was known for its relatively rich cultural life, including concerts, lectures, and clandestine education for children. The fact that it was governed by a Jewish self-administration as well as the large number of “prominent” Jews imprisoned there facilitated the flourishing of cultural life. This spiritual legacy has attracted the attention of scholars and sparked interest in the ghetto.” [Wikipedia]

There was postal delivery (again not mentioned in the BBC programme…) and even a jazz band (ditto), The Ghetto Swingers: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghetto_Swingers

In time (I think 1944), the family was deported under harsh conditions to Auschwitz (similar to the conditions a friend of mine suffered when sent by Soviet (NKVD) order to Siberia from Poland in 1939). The father became unwell and died. The mother and daughter survived (the mother dying a few months after being freed at the end of the war, in 1945).

The woman narrating told stories about how she was told by other Jews about “gas chambers” at Auschwitz, but she did not say outright that she had seen any. She did see large ash pieces floating about. I suppose that there is no reason to disbelieve that. Of course, every English town has a crematorium (and the technology has improved over time). The account given on the BBC seemed to conflate the two types of installation (that is, “gas chambers” and crematoria).

The woman, at the time about 15, was assigned to a daycare centre for young children of detainees. She is now called the “Librarian of Auschwitz” because she had custody of a small number of books. She claims to have met the notorious Dr. Mengele.

Almost at the end of the war, the woman and her mother were sent to the Bergen-Belsen camp in Germany, where for a short time they endured the terrible conditions there (mainly a result of the chaotic conditions caused by the war, including the Allied bombing which caused shortages of medicine and food). Somehow, the two survived. The mother died 2-3 months after the camp was taken over by Allied (British) forces, but the narrator survived and, in 1949, emigrated to Israel.

What struck me about the account (as on previous occasions) is that the Germans did not seem intent on killing their captives. They are left in Prague for nearly 4 years, moved to Theresienstadt for a year, moved to Auschwitz, finally moved to Bergen-Belsen. It is almost as if the Germans were not trying to kill them at all…

The BBC woman asked the narrator what she thinks of “holocaust” “denial”. She expostulated that she still had her prisoner tattoo on her arm! Well, no-one “denies” that the Germans had camps for their prisoners. They certainly did. As for the “gas chambers” of Auschwitz, well she was actually there for maybe a year and did not see any…(incidentally, at one time, it was claimed that Bergen-Belsen had “gas chambers”, but even extreme Zionist fanatics have now accepted that such was not the case).

The woman seems to have been convinced that she and her mother were scheduled to be killed, but I wonder whether that conviction was based on actuality or simply on unfounded fear.

Take a look at the link below, which has a photo captioned “women survivors in Bergen-Belsen, April 1945“. They at least look not at all famished (though others obviously were). Puzzling.


Another bit of the narrative interested me: her tattooed prisoner number at Auschwitz was 70,000-something. She said that some men had tattoo numbers over 100,000. This is nearly at the end of the war but there were no numbers in the high hundreds of thousands, let alone in the millions. Why not?

The BBC completely failed to point out that the book, The Librarian of Auschwitz, is a novel, though based on some of the real experiences of Dita Kraus:


She has featured in books herself. Alberto Manguel mentioned her “clandestine children’s library” in his book about the great libraries of the world. This piqued the interest of Spanish writer Antonio Iturbe who wrote The Librarian of Auschwitz, a semi-fictionalised version of Dita’s story, based on many conversations.” [Jewish Chronicle]

There it is: “semi-fiction”.

The trouble is that sometimes books are written as novels, as fiction, but sometimes also as “faction”. Simple-minded people then think that the books are “true” accounts. One example would be the film Schindler’s List, which was based on a novel [Schindler’s Ark] written by an Australian as late as 1982. Another film which many believe to be “true” is Sophie’s Choice. Pure fiction.

The narrator has her own website: she is a very good artist, specializing in plants:


The BBC World Service is very poor now. This was one example of how it has become a kind of Moscow Radio. It cannot be believed.

Another day starts…


Stray tweets


NWO/ZOG gopher Macron might just end up getting the chop, literally!


The UK mass media does not report on it much because to do so would be to open up the can of worms marked “ZOG NWO Jewish Lobby” etc. Macron was presented by the UK msm a few years ago as if some great white hope. No Rothschilds, no Israel, no Jew lobby, no New World Order, just this clever young man who had miraculously started “his own” pop-up “party”, En Marche! Another smoke and mirrors ZOG-job. The System wanted to beat Marine le Pen and Front National. Macron was the tool.

This is what I wrote a year ago:



Time and again, we see how the socially-backward Chinese are abusing the natural world. In Africa, in Asia, in China itself. The karmic consequences will be devastating for the Chinese.

We hear a lot about how very intelligent the Chinese are as a people. Perhaps. Some individuals certainly are. I myself once met a young Chinese atomic scientist working in the USA for Westinghouse. On the other hand, I have to say that I have also encountered rather many Chinese who are as thick as two short planks. I think that the fault lies in the type of intelligence. Also, the lack of empathy.


When Jews have power over non-Jews…

The tweet and clip below shows Palestine, but in essence it is no different in the UK!

Virtue-signalling nonsense

Take a look at the ridiculous virtue-signaller in the report below. A BBC presenter, of course.


I hate that kind of virtue-signalling. Oh yes, let’s all “save the planet” by not flushing loos in the ordinary way, because the UK is increasingly short of water (it is claimed). How about this lady protesting against mass immigration, which is ruining the UK in that and many other ways? Oh no, that would be “racist” (and so wrong, the idiots say). Oh, and of course she would then lose her BBC job that probably pays at least £100,000 p.a. and possibly a great deal more. Silly woman.

Remain whiner bubble

Typical Remain partisan hates Brexit because it might slightly inconvenience her as she goes around Western Europe making money:

I myself have done the same: Brest to Paris to Amsterdam to Hong Kong and —after 5 or 6 days— back again. Brest-Paris-Amsterdam-Dubai-Qatar and back again. Or just France to UK to France (every 2 weeks or so).

I, however, do not prioritize my own convenience and ease of travel over what is best for the UK. Brexit should mean an end to Roma Gypsy thieves and scavengers coming to the UK, a stricter regime for low-pay workers coming from Poland and elsewhere, an end to the tyrannical European Arrest Warrant regime, an end to the EU trying to impose mediaeval heresy laws (in the shape of “holocaust” “denial” laws) on the UK. And so on.

“Millard Radio; with you through the night”…

Diary Blog, 22 January 2020

Charles meets Greta Nut


The Royal Family are dim anyway, but why do they always have to make such idiots of themselves? Charles “has a summit” with Greta Thunberg, a poorly-educated Swedish autistic and mental case, aged 17 (as of a couple of weeks ago). Does he not see how stupid this makes him look? Not to mention the hypocrisy of lecturing others about “climate change” and “carbon emissions” while taking a private jet from the UK to Switzerland!

Charles, I suppose, imagines that this makes him look terribly cutting-edge and credible. No. It makes him look even more silly. I suppose that, when he made his “10 years to save the planet” speech, few shouted out that “the emperor has no clothes”…despite that fact that Charles said the same thing or very similar about 11 years ago!


In fact, back then, in 2009, Charles said that he himself had calculated that the world had only 96 months in which to be “saved” (i.e. 8 years), which would mean until 2017! Ha ha!



As if that perhaps well-meaning but dim fellow could “calculate” the above in any case (no-one could, but certainly not him!).

In fact, Charles “gave the world a reprieve” in 2015 by extending his deadline to 2019. Wrong again. To be fair on him, other reports did say that he had extended the deadline to 2050. I suppose that some people actually take him seriously. Not many, though. Maybe make a personal start by not travelling by private jet? A pointless piece of virtue-signalling, true, but at least he would not be making himself look a complete idiot…


Well, I suppose that Charles might just be “badly-advised”. He certainly will be if he actually listens to that crazed little nut, Greta Thunberg! At least Nikolai II only allowed himself to be misled by Rasputin and a few others (and Rasputin sometimes made cogent points about Russia’s direction).


I have already blogged about Greta Thunberg


and about those around her



Charles and Israel

After his activities at Davos, Charles will be flying off to Israel on his private jet, to speechify about another largely faked narrative, the embellished “holocaust” farrago. Don’t bother. No-one’s listening.

More about Greta Nut

I am rarely seen supporting Trump, but it is surreal to see a headline such as “Greta Thunberg blasts Trump“! I’m sure that he is really worried…

Free speech and its enemies

Look at this idiot:

So according to Peter-somebody, anyone questioning the “gas chambers” fable (for which there is no real evidence), or anyone questioning one of the literally hundreds of faked “holocaust” memoirs or other accounts, must be imprisoned. The spirit of Stalinism is not dead…The absurd thing is that Peter-somebody and his like are usually not Jewish but non-Jew “useful idiot” doormats (he also does not seem to know that, out of about 200 states in the world, only about 13 states have such laws, and only a handful of others have laws which go some way toward that position— about 18 altogether):


Here’s Angela Eagle MP [Lab., Wallasey], who thinks that it is “deeply worrying” that 5% of the population have worked out that the “holocaust” farrago is a System (NWO/ZOG) fable convenue:

Had she read further, she would be even more “worried”, because the survey says that a further 20% of the public of the UK do not believe many of the main details of the fable.

Personally, I find it more worrying that Angela Eagle and the less-prominent “useful idiots” have not noticed that that Independent survey is from last year! It is from 27 January 2019! Sometimes the details matter…

Labour leadership contest

Labour’s farcical “leadership” contest trundles on, with loudmouth ignoramus Jess Phillips, having been unable even to get into the starting stalls, now backing System drone Lisa Nandy.

Warwick University

Nice to know that at least one university is trying to protect freedom of expression from the manipulations of the Jewish lobby.

As for the so called “International Definition” of “antisemitism”, only about 18 states out of 200 have “adopted” it (I thought 30-35 until today, but was wrong— only 18 in fact), and several of those are having second thoughts now:


“…one of the original drafters, Kenneth S. Stern has opposed the misuse of the definition to suppress and limit free speech.” [Wikipedia]

More re. Labour leadership


Well, since you ask…



I think that Labour is asking the wrong questions. Its MPs and members are preoccupied with the idea that a new leader can “unite” the party and then the country.

First of all, Labour is now composed of at least two, I would say three blocs, with different core socio-political beliefs. Apart from that, what country is Labour (of all parties) going to “unite”? The blacks and browns in the cities? The white English who are not just, in part, “left behind” but also —more usually— disrespected and ignored? The so-called “progressive”, “me-too” and “refugees welcome” idiots who usually refer to (other) white people as “gammon” or “gammons” (though they would die rather than call a black man a “nig”, or even simply call a Jew a Jew!)?

In reality, the UK is not even split, it’s fissured along many social, age-related, racial, ethnic, ideological lines. Labour is incapable, coming as it does out of a very specific set of circumstances in the late 19th/early 20th centuries, of adapting to this multiform UK. The “Conservatives” have not adapted much either, but so far have managed to concentrate most of their support in what could be termed, very generally,  “white people over 60 years of age in the Southern part of the UK”.

After 2300 hrs

The witching hour approaches. Time for music:

Early hours postscript
